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Animation Methods Flowchart

Animation Methods Flowchart

Introduction -

There will come times where best chosen animation methods are dependent on things such as optimization, functionality and behavior, geometry of the model, Time constraints on production, Art styles, as well as weighing advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Modeling/Animation software that is native to the final render is much more simplistic by nature then exportation to a third party software such as a game engine due to compatibility and limitations of acceptance of third party logic. 

Because of this, we should use our best efforts to have an end goal in mind so that we do not have any issues down the production pipeline. 

For example. (Bones add data to models which can become very unnecessary at run time and for the finished data package of the game. Programmatic animation may suit the needs of time constraints/optimization for simple non-deforming mesh that can be animated by accessing their transform's at run time instead of animating with bones in Blender and then exporting more data. Unity can programmatically handle this type of animation with just a few lines of code. Whereas Animating in blender would take longer and cause more memory deficiency and longer rendering times.

Animation Methods -

Blender -
  • Curves
  • Paths
  • Drivers
  • Physics
  • Shape Keys
  • Object Keys
  • Bones
Unity -
  • Mecanim Animation Component
  • Programmatic Animations (Transform's)
  • Physics
  • Particle Simulator
Resolution -

We may add to/expand this section so that we may have a guide to find what methods might be best for a specific animation agenda, as well as a first look before a model is created so that it can be made accordingly with how it will be used in game.


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