Armament Faction Two
Faction Two
Faction Two: The "We"
People: Garbo(s) [GAR-bo]
Motto: "Historie verum murmure blanditiae virtus" (History whispers the power of the truth)
Capital: Luxman [LU-man]
Politics: Oligarchy
Through the passing of ages the clans melded together and began to share more than just one central capital city and council of elders. They began to share their specialized skills and individual traits as they intermarried. It is uncommon for a large city to NOT have the representation of each clan that used to be found only in the central capital. Each large city has the libraries, temples, and medical services of the Velius. Each has the protective police force and if necessary boarder guards that used to belong only to the Noaz. And each city has it's own small agricultural lands where local produce is grown to reduce the burdens of importing food. Employment that used to be solely filled by members of a specific clan is now often learned by locals from an existing master or a traveling teacher. While a locally trained healer may not be given the national prestige and honor attributed to those who are of the Velius, they are still given higher esteem locally where they serve to help their cities. The same can be said for all those locally trained in cross clan disciplines.VELIUS OF SUNMAYA headed by the elder KANGEE
The venerated Velius are the most learned of the clans and specialize in the areas of scholarship, religion, and medicine. These specialties are taught as one among the members of the Velius and they do not share their knowledge with those outside of their clan. This gives them an air of mystic and keeps the majority of other clan members believing that the Velius are a people that receive special divine favors which allow them to wisdom and healing capabilities that are much respected.
NOAZ OF MOSEROTH headed by the elder COEN
The Noaz are both honored and feared by members of other clans. This warrior clan specializes in trades such as metallurgy, blacksmithing, tailoring and the like. This clan is denoted by strong and skilled men that are exacting in their expectations of themselves and their fellows. Questions are not welcome. If one is to learn one must listen to what the master has to say. The need for a questions signifies a lack of paying attention. A member of the Noaz is meant to follow the instructions of his superior to the letter, no more, no less, no questions.
While the Agricolae are treated with general respect and courtesy they are not held in as high of esteem as the other clans. Their capacity is looked upon as necessary yet mundane when held next to the glorious Noaz and nearly divine Velius. The best of the Agricolae produce cast amounts of crops and celebrated beasts. These people are very versatile and are able to do most things without the assistance of specialists of the other clans. They also frequently have the most recent news from all areas of the nation as members of the clan travel about delivering grains to even the most remote villages.
Coen:"Too long have we allowed the dissidents to remain. They publicly oppose our wisdom all the while thriving under the protection of the clans. They have broken with honored tradition, yielding to their conceited insolence-continuously chasing egocentric pursuits."
"What is worse, these “Dreamer Kings” have begun to encourage our women and children to engage in their disobedience. They shame not only their families, but the whole of our community!"
"The traditions of our people have guided our fathers for over one thousand years and in so doing have ensured our survival. A survival brought to us through a tradition of peace, of maintaining harmony."
"Harmony is already disrupted. They have corrupted our belief in peace and used it to show us as weak before our people. We will continue to honor our fathers' tradition of valuing a peaceful existence, but we cannot stand idly as these dissidents work to destroy us from inside our ranks."
"Even now, as they rally, they depend on our united cooperation to produce the parts they need for their machines. They perceive their fight to be for personal freedom but achieve only to solidify their need of the community."
"We have suffered loss, pain, and humiliation in the interest of peace. We have tried to act in the best interest of all involved. We have failed to reestablish harmony. Now we must act to protect ourselves by any means available, unsavory as they may be."
"The willingness of our people to work where they are needed and sacrifice excess is what has made us strong. The willingness to sacrifice selfish interests is what will keep us strong and prosperous."
"To sacrifice excess is a small matter next to the sacrifice of one’s own flesh. The flesh you wish to sacrifice is not only beneficial but charismatic. This will bring more pain to already suffering families. Still, we must establish the sovereignty of our traditions if we are to heal our people. War is a terrible thing."
"It is more important than ever for our people to stand united and loyal. Common good must continue to be priority."
The history of the Garbos' finds its roots in the hazy days of memory that mankind retained before record keeping had begun. Originally a nomadic peoples, the clans settled in the grasslands next to the floodplanes of Confluere-where the two rivers meat, split to circle the island mountain, then come together again and flow together to the sea. Luxman was carved into the island mountain and serves as the capital city for all three of the Garbonian clans. Oral histories still told by the elders reinforce the importance of the traditions that kept the clans together and allowed their culture to survive through the millennia. Garbonian traditions stress the importance of supporting the group and the dangers that are hidden behind personal desires. No one person, not even an elder, has a need that is more important than the needs of the clan(s). Individuals who are unable to contribute in some way to the existence of the clan(s) are left alone in the wilds to meet whatever fate is brought them. Historically, these individuals were those who were sick or disabled to the point that they required more than they were able to contribute over an extended period of time. Those who willingly concede their uselessness to the whole are celebrated and ceremoniously removed from their clan's lands. Such individuals are remembered and their families honored annually for the personal sacrifice given to benefit the clans as a whole. Little holds higher honor for a Garbonian than such a sacrifice.SYMBOL
The symbol of the Garbo consists of a center circle, two rings, and a triangle. The center circle represents the promise of the future. The small ring represents the present and the large ring represents the past. Ripples of time distort all and bring uncertainty to all but the triangle. Representing the wisdom and strength of tradition, the triangle is the only thing that is clear to the Garbo. This shows their reliance on tradition; their belief that what has been proven to work in the past will continue to work in the future.
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