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How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?

pSometimes you may wonder how can you hack someones WiFi Right Maybe you have forgotten your own routers password or youre just curious to know how vulnerable these setups are Regardless of the reason there are ways to hack someones WiFi Generally a

Wireless networks or Wi-Fi are usually accessible to everyone who is within the transmission radius. You can use the hotspots in public places like restaurants, airports, parks, etc. This makes them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In fact, cracking the Wi-Fi password is so simple that you can hack it on your own. 

Sometimes, you may wonder how can you hack someone's Wi-Fi. Right? Maybe you have forgotten your own router's password or you're just curious to know how vulnerable these setups are. Regardless of the reason, there are ways to hack someone's Wi-Fi. Generally, a wireless network uses radio waves to connect devices and computers altogether. This implementation is conducted at the physical layer 1 of the OSI model. To access the network, you only need two things. First, you have to be within the transmission zone and second, you need the password. Most home wi-fi and business wi-fi routers are password protected. If they're not, then you can click and connect.

If you're intrigued to know how to hack someone's Wi-Fi password, then you have come to the right place. We will discuss everything in detail in this article. So, let's take a look, 

How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?

How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?

Cracking a wireless network or Wi-Fi may seem a bit complex at the beginning, especially if you barely have any technical knowledge. This is why it's important to know the basic authentication techniques used by a wireless network. This will help you understand the code-cracking process much more easily. So, the wireless network generally uses two types of common authentication techniques. 

The first technique is the WEP or also known as wired equivalent privacy. This technique was developed to offer privacy in the wireless setup which is equivalent to a wired network. It encrypts the data transmitted within the network to keep it safe. Another authentication process used by wireless setup is WPA or Wi-Fi-protected access. This protocol is developed to respond to the weaknesses in WEP. 

Types of Wireless Network Cracking Processes

We have previously talked about the authentication process of wireless setups to show you that both these authentication processes have flaws. WEP is much weaker as compared to WPA. However, WPA is still vulnerable to attacks. Especially, if users have used weak passwords, it becomes much easier to crack the passcode. Now, there are two ways to crack a wireless network, 

The WEP Cracking

WEP or wired equivalent privacy is a security algorithm that encrypts files distributed across a specific network through shared key authentication and open system authentication. WEP cracking is basically the process of exploiting the networks that use WEP to implement all their security controls. You can either choose the active cracking process which leaves no effect on its network unless you have cracked WEP security.

Else, you can choose an active cracking method. But, this is easy to detect as compared to the passive cracking method. There are a bunch of tools available that you can use for WEP cracking. This includes Aircrack, WEPCrack, WebDecrypt, Kismet, and whatnot. Using a password-cracking tool only makes your job easier. 

The WPA Cracking 

WPA and WPA2 help to encrypt data a little more securely than WEP. The WPA usually uses a 256 passphrase to give authentication to the users. But, if users have used pretty short and common passphrases, then it becomes easy to detect them. In fact, these type of passphrases is more vulnerable to dictionary attacks. For cracking WPA keys you need different online tools. This includes Cain & Abel or CowPatty. 

Apart from WEP and WPA cracking, there is some general type of attacks that can be conducted. This includes MITM attacks, denial of service attacks, and sniffing. The MITM or also known as the man in the middle is a type of attack where you basically eavesdrop on a specific wireless network and capture all its sensitive information. Sniffing involves intercepting the data packets when they are being transmitted to a network. While the purpose of the denial of service attack is to deny all legitimate users to access any network resources. 


How to Hack The Password of a Wi-Fi

There are a variety of tools that hackers can use to access a wireless network. So, to start with the process of hacking, you need to make sure you have two utilities installed on your device. First, install a Kali Linux freeware app, one of the most popular tools for hackers. Second, install a VMware workstation that will help you create a virtual operating system. 

While the VMware workstation isn't free but it comes with a trial version. In addition, you can download a free copy from torrents. And, Kali Linux is a free tool. You can download it easily from here. Once you're done installing these two, let's move forward with the next phase, 

Creating a Virtual Machine

Configuring the virtual machine is important before you start to hack someone's Wi-Fi. Follow the process for creating a virtual machine on VMware, 

  • Open VMware and click on the “create a new virtual machine”
  • Open the “custom advanced installation” option.
  • Now the interface will appear like this, 

How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?

  • From here, you have to select “workstation 8. x type” for hardware compatibility.
  • Now choose Linux as your operating system and name your virtual workstation.
  • Before you add the number of processors and cores on the virtual machine, make sure you know how many cores your computer typically has. 

How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?

Now, add the number of cores and processors to your virtual machine. Pick a RAMsize, select NAT, choose a SCSI virtual disk, and finish the entire installation process. 

Once you're done creating a virtual machine for yourself, it's time to tweak the settings of this machine to hack other's Wi-Fi easily. All you need to do is right-click on the settings on your virtual machine interface and select “printer” and then “remove”. Then, go to the “USB controller” section and tick mark “show all USB input devices”. Once done, navigate to the “options” tab and enable the “shared folders” along with activating the “synchronize guest time with host”.

Hack The Password

Once you're done setting up the virtual machine, and installing the Kali Linux, it's time to hack the wi-fi passwords. Follow the steps below to conduct the further process, 

  • Kali Linux has an in-built “Wifite” tool that tells you about all the Wi-Fi signals currently available for attack. Open your Kali Linux interface and ?ype “Wifite” and hit “enter”.
  • Once you know the list of networks waiting to be hacked, things become easier. In the “Wifite” terminal, enter “Locate Rockyou”
  • You will see the rockyou.txt.gz folder location. Next, you have to copy the location to the desktop. So, type “cp /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt.gz /root/Desktop”
  • Now open the folder and enter the “extract” button to have the txt file to your root desktop.
  • Now to initiate a dictionary attack, you have to type “Wifite --dict /root/Desktop/rockyou”. Select a target or multiple targets by entering the Wi-fi network's number and wait for the results. 

How Can I Hack Someone's Wireless Network?


There are even processes to retrieve login credentials from someone's wireless network as well. However, using the tools makes things a bit easier and helps you hack the password more quickly. So, now that you have learned the steps to hack someone's Wi-Fi password, you can experiment with it with your own network to see whether it works or not. We hope you've enjoyed reading this guide so far.


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