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How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

While working on computers using external storage devices, they may be write-protected. Meaning that no operation can be done on them. A write-protected disk only allows the user to read data from it and cannot write, modify, delete, copy or do anyth

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

While working on computers using external storage devices, they may be write-protected, which means that no operation can be done on them. A write-protected disk only allows the user to read data from it and cannot write, modify, delete, copy or do anything on it. While running this operation, a pop-up prompt, "The disk is write-protected. Remove this write-protection or use another disk," appears.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

A write-protected disk is only helpful if the write-protection is removed to start saving, creating, modifying, and deleting data as one may deem necessary. Write protection is always activated when the storage device is prompted to be used. Therefore, this makes it essential to have a storage device that is always available. To do that, write protection has to be removed.

Even though write-protection may be seen as a nuisance, it has some advantages:

  • Write protection is good when it comes to protection from viruses. Since there is no copying or modification to the Disk, nothing can be added on or out of it.
  • In the case of sensitive company documents, write protection plays a significant role, as nothing can be shared or distributed.
  • As a user, you always need to have your essential information stored. By having written protection, no data can leak out.

There are several ways of removing write protection on a SanDisk:

  1. Formatting the storage device
  2. Use of command prompt to format the disk using windows explorer to run the formatting command
  3. By running disk management
  4. Getting rid of viruses
  5. Unlocking the SanDisk
  6. Change files from read-only mode
  7. Running disk part to remove protection
  8. Editing disk registry

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

1. Formatting the Storage device by us of Third-Party Software

In the process of using the storage device, it may have been corrupted and, in doing so, become write-protected. The quickest way of fixing the problem is by formatting it. There are several ways of running the format operations.

By deploying a third-party tool, the storage device can be restored. This involves the use of software that helps in removing write protection. An excellent example of third-party software is MiniTool Partition Wizard. This software divides disk spaces into segments, assign rooms to partitioned disk spaces, delete disk partitions, format disks, wipe partitions and rebuild sections on storage devices.

The software is therefore used to remove write protection by formatting the Disk. By having it on your computer, all one is required to do is run the format command from its drop-down menu.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

2. Use of command prompt to format Disks

In the absence of third-party software, windows come with its formatting tool – the Command Prompt. One needs to know the exact commands to use with a command prompt. Otherwise, it won't be effective.

Under the command prompt, the users have to know how the volumes of the hard disks on their computers are listed. The volume number of the storage device that needs to be formatted is then identified. The format command is then entered in the command prompt screen:

Format fs=ntfs label=” new volume” quick

This command formats SanDisk. Once the Disk has been formatted, the command prompt is Exited. This will signify the end of the operation and terminates any possible running command that would still be active.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

3. Window Explorer Formatting Method

Another way of formatting the storage device is by running it from the windows explorer window. Once the explorer is opened, it lists all the disks attached to the computer. The device to be formatted is right-clicked. On the drop-down menu that appears, Format is selected. A pop-up window usually occurs where the Quick Format option is checked.

The SanDisk is then formatted after tapping on the start button. With this method, it's only sometimes valid that the results will be positive. Sometimes disks need to be formatted, making it ineffective for removing disk protection from storage devices.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

4. Disk Management

Far from Command Prompt and Windows explorer, running disk management is also used to format write-protected disks. A drop-down menu will appear by right-clicking on the Disk to be formatted. The Format is then selected with FAT32 and NTFS, where the users choose what suits them.

Windows-based formatting tools have limitations; they cannot format disks more significantly than 32 GB. Furthermore, formatting erases all the data housed on the storage devices, leading to the loss of important information.

5. Virus Scanning and Killing

Due to the continuous use of computers, while browsing, viruses get installed on them from spyware websites. And since there is always a transfer of data from one point to another using portable storage devices, viruses also get picked along the way. These viruses attack the files/and folders on the Disk leading to write protection. It does this way to protect other users or computers.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

An infected computer will need an antivirus to clean the accumulated viruses. The antivirus is used to scan for any infection. Once detected, the virus is "killed." This ensures the safety of the computer and the portable storage disks. Once all viruses have been eliminated, disk write protection will automatically be removed because it will be safe for everyone.

6. Unlocking Disk's mechanical Switches

Since there are many market players, it means there are so many designs of disks available. Some disks are write-protected mechanically, which means they have switches that are used to set them to write-protection. To make such disks accessible, the controller has to be unlocked. This will allow files to be copied, deleted, or modified on the Disk.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

7. Write-Protection enables/disable button.

Disks can be write-protected by users themselves. This depends on the sensitivity of the data on the Disk. The more sensitive information is, the more protection is needed; this will eliminate the deletion, modification, and copying of unwanted data. In such a scenario, the write protection would just be disabled by the user for any required operation. This is mainly done to safeguard essential files.

8. Filled disk space

A filled disk will be write-protected. New files cannot be added to it. It is possible to ascertain whether a given disk is entire or not. The Disk is right-clicked and checked under properties to check how much space is available. If the open space cannot accommodate the file to be added, then a write-protection error will be encountered. To sort out this issue, the other files need to be removed.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

9. Editing the registry

If all the methods have been explored with no success, modification of the registry helps remove the write protection. This is done by invoking the registry Disk write, which allows the user to edit the write protection. Launching Win+r and typing Regedit opens the registry editor, which prompts the selection Write Protect:


This key will change the state of the write-protected key by right-clicking on it and selecting Modify to change it from 1 to 0 or vice versa.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?

10. Change files from read-only mode.

Sometimes when you open your files, you find they are in read-only mode. Accessing or making changes to such files can be tricky if you need help figuring out what to do.

There are many reasons files open as read-only. The presence of antivirus software may open a file as read-only in case the file is deemed a threat.

The files are potentially unsafe when using specific browsers to access office files; therefore, the files are opened in a protected view.

To change the read-only state of a device to do away with the write protection, follow the following steps:

  • Connect your SanDisk device to your computer.
  • Click on windows File Explorer, right-click on the folder that is written protected on your storage device, then click on “Property."
  • Under the general tab, click on "Read-only" to uncheck the box, followed by "Apply" and "Ok" to complete the process.

Once the write protection is removed from any storage device, it becomes effortless to access it.

11. Running disk part to remove protection.

This is another simple method to remove write protection from a device. It ensures the read-only attribute of a machine is cleared to enable writing. The process works for various drives.

Steps involved in the disk part method of removing write protection:

  • Click on the windows button +R key. In the box that opens, type cmd to launch a command.
  • On the window that prompts, type disk part and press Enter.
  • On the window, type list disk to know all the disks available by pressing Enter.
  • Type select disk two and press Enter. Type 0 to replace the write-protected device number.
  • Type attributes Disk clear randomly on the keyboard, then press the Enter button.
  • Type exit to quit the Disk part after completing writing protection removal.
  • Restart the computer and confirm if you can access your device data.

How do I remove write protection from my SanDisk?


Write protection is an essential tool in terms of the management of data. Not only sensitive information but any information that may be regarded in the future. Disks should be write-protected in a way that the protection can be removed without losing any data, like in the manner of formatting.


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