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How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

What is a command prompt in the first place, and what purpose does it serve? Command prompt, or CMD in short is an app found in windows that interprets command lines in an operating system.


What is a command prompt in the first place, and what purpose does it serve? Command prompt, or CMD in short, is an app found in windows that interprets command lines in an operating system. Now that we know what a command prompt is, what is the importance of running it as administration?

The answer is direct; it is to be able to access programs and files that require administrator privileges. The command prompt can be accessed through many techniques, but today we are interested in only those that can run as administrators. So let us take a look at some of these methods. Would you like us too?

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

Eight methods for opening the command prompt as administrator

1. Use of the Start Menu

The start menu is one of the many icons on your computer screen. This specific icon on computers running on windows 10 and 11 is generally on the far-left side of the toolbar. In some computers, it is located in the center. The start icon has a collection of all your apps, settings, and files in one place. Alternatively, you can press the windows logo on your computer's keyboard.

Using the start menu, you can access the command prompt as admin in windows 1o and 11. The first step is by right-clicking n the start menu icon; it will display a list of items. Then, click on the all-apps option, navigate your way toward the windows tool app, and once again right-click on it.

On the list provided, select the command prompt and open it with the option of running as administrator. Congratulations, you have now opened the command prompt as an admin. The second method involves using the search bar and typing on its command prompt. Right-click on it and similarly open it with the option of running as an administrator to access the command prompt as an admin.

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

2. From the taskbar

To cut the long process short and make work more accessible, you can pin the command prompt option on your taskbar. This makes it easily accessible, for it is only one click away. To be able to do this, follow the following easy steps.

The first step is to press star and type in cmd on the search bar. Once it brings the prompt control option, right-click on it, and this time instead of running it as an admin, directly select the option of pinning it to the taskbar. If you go back to the toolbar, you will see the control prompt icon. If you click it once, you can access the cmd only with standard privileges. Therefore, to run as administrator, hold on to the ctrl + shift keys on the keyboard as you click on the icon.

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

3. Use of the run dialog

Go to the bottom left of your keyboard and click on the window logo key. Click on it while simultaneously holding on to the R key, which will open RUN. You can also press the Windows key with the X and R keys to achieve the same result. RUN is an operating system, just like windows, that can open a document or application.

The next step is to type the control prompt in it; if you click okay directly, you will access the control prompt access but through legal privileges. To access it as an administrator, press the CTRL key with the shift and enter key.

4. Use the control panel

The control panel is a computer component that gives you the ability and power to change various hardware and software settings and features. The first step is to locate the control panel through the search bar on the bottom left side of the screen of your computer. The next step is to open the control prompt app through this control panel. To execute this command, click on the shift key, hold on to it as you right-click the control promptly, and then choose it to run as an administrator. Some may request further details, such as for you to input your user's name and password for it to run.

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

5. From the file explorer address bar

Did you know that you can use your file explorer to open the command prompt and run as an administrator? It is possible, and here are the easy steps to do it. The first step is to press the window key while simultaneously holding on to key E to open the file explorer.

The next step is to type on the address bar of the file explorer the word CMD and then the last step is to press enter to open the command prompt and remember to open it with the option of run as administrator. Alternatively, you can also choose to use method two.

This involves starting the same way by pressing the windows key together with the key E to open the file explorer. However, instead of typing in the word CMD, in its place, copy and paste the words C:\windows\System32 to the address bar to go to the System32 folder. The next step is to right-click on the CMD. Exe file and then finally select the option of run as administrator.

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11

6. Use of the task manager

Another possible route to open the command prompt as Admin in windows 10 and 11 is through the task manager. A task manager is an essential tool that does exactly what it says; it manages all your apps running and lets you know which ones are open and running.

The first step to using this task manager is to open the app itself and then scroll to the option to run a new task. The next step is to create a new task window, and in this window, check the box with the possibility of doing the job with administrative privilege. The final step is to type the words CMD into the open area, select ok to launch the command prompt, and run as an administrator.

7. Use of quick access menu

This is another method to access the control prompt as an administrator in windows ten and 11. The trick with this method is that the processes slightly differ between the two but do not worry, we will look at how it is done for both of them. So, let us start with windows 10. Would you like us too?

The first step in windows 10 is to click on the windows key with the key X to get the Menu option. On this menu, you will see an option to click on the command prompt, right-click, and select the run as administrator option.

The first step in windows 11 is to press the windows key together with the key X to open the quick access menu. The next step is to click on the windows terminal (admin). It will, in turn, ask if you want to allow this app to make changes to your device; click the yes option, and it will take you to the new terminal app of windows. The next step is to click on the drop-down arrow where you will find the command prompt where it would pen and run as administrator.

8. Use of the a. but file

This is another option you can explore; although it is longer than most other techniques, it is equally effective. It works by creating a batch file that will run as an operating system to be able to run the command prompt. So, without further delay, can you look at how it works?

The first step is to click on the search bar, type in its notepad, and then click on this app. Once you're in, the next step is to type the following words; echo off and call cmd. exe and then press the file option on the notepad. Then, choose the option of saving or holding the CTRL key with the shift and S keys from the list displayed on the screen.

The next step is to choose the location of your file and give it a name you will remember but make sure the term ends with .bat after it rather than .txt. Click on save, and your file will automatically be stored at your chosen destination. To start the command prompt, double-click on it, and the file will automatically follow the command line location where it is set to the folder where the batch file is at. We want you to know that we aim to make it run as administrator, so right-click on it and choose the run as administrator option.

How to Open the Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10 and 11


This is the easiest and most common way to open the command prompt as an administrator in windows 10 and 11. There are many ways of accessing the command prompt application, but not all can run as administrators. Most of them open the CMD in the standard form, meaning you cannot access some files and programs that need administrative privileges. So, what are you waiting for? Could you ship out your computer and give these methods a try?

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