Sitecore Guide: What Everyone Must Know About Sitecore
pThere are a lot of things that everyone needs to know about SitecorepolliHow Sitecore worksliliWhat Sitecore API isliliHow Sitecore can be scaled verticallyliliWhere the Sitecore roles are storedliliWhat Sitecore instance isliliWhat Sitecore testing
Sitecore is a global topic now; everyone is talking about it. It's a topic that everyone needs to know something about. Guru solutions is here to help you; we will guide you into knowing everything you need to know about Sitecore.
There are a lot of things that everyone needs to know about Sitecore;
- How Sitecore works
- What Sitecore API is
- How Sitecore can be scaled vertically
- Where the Sitecore roles are stored
- What Sitecore instance is
- What Sitecore testing is
- How Sitecore caching works
- How to download the Sitecore
- What Sitecore facets are
- What Sitecore pipeline is
A lot more on what you need to know about Sitecore is written in this article; enjoy the reading.
Read on to know everything you need to know about the CMS from the developer's view. This article will be a complete guide for anyone looking to get Sitecore services and add Sitecore to their website.
Sitecore Guide: What Everyone Must Know About Sitecore
Sitecore has been there for over a decade now; everything feels magic with many improvements and features. If you are a company owner without a Sitecore website, you have no idea how much you are missing in the digital world; having read that, please get in touch with us for Sitecore development services. Guru solutions have come up with everything you need to know about Sitecore in this guide; they are:
How does Sitecore work
It is an enterprise-level Content management system built on ASP.NET. It gives marketers and web editors complete control over all aspects of the website.
What is a Sitecore instance?
A Sitecore instance is a single installation of the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS. Every Sitecore instance needs several components:
An IIS website | With critical criteria such as DNS or hostname entry for HTTP binding requests. |
An IIS application pool | It manages the ASP.NET app on the IIS website. |
A supporting file system | For IIS website to host also contains the Sitecore app files. |
A document root subdirectory |
The Sitecore license file is included for data and logs that do not belong under the document root subdirectory. |
How can Sitecore be scaled vertically?
Sitecore being scaled vertically means adding resources to one node in the system: it can be done by adding CPUs or extra memory in the computer.
Where are Sitecore roles stored?
Log in to the Sitecore on the launchpad, tap on the role manager icon; in the same window ribbon, click new, then the new role dialogue box, and add your name and the domain for the new role.
What is Sitecore testing?
It involves three stages, testing the CMS operations, considering the different content author interfaces and eventually testing the content component architecture.
What to do if Sitecore is slow
First, tweak cache sizes, disable the performance counters for the development instance, disable all the unnecessary agents and eventually clean up databases and rebuild indexes.
How does Sitecore render links?
They generate SEO-compatible URLs for each item by its name, path and relativity to the home item. Sitecore performs this act in two ways:
View rendering | It is a razor view rendering type |
Controller rendering | In this type, you supply controller, model plus view. |
How a Sitecore caching works
It involves two steps:
- Adding a cache
- Implementing a custom cache
It would help if you created a new instance for Sitecore caching for any cache you create.
How to download the Sitecore
You should visit the Sitecore developer's network site and log in. Then search for the correct proper link and download the Sitecore.
What is the Sitecore pipeline?
It's a process where process flow is defined using XML; it's a programmed procedure defined as part of a class and consists of a sequence of processors.
What is the Sitecore helix?
Helix contains several general design principles plus conventions for Sitecore development. They are the guidelines that guide you in the Sitecore project, improving efficiency and reducing the cost and marketing time.
What is Sitecore API
It's a web API developers use to manipulate content items in the Sitecore via HTTP requests. It provides access to the content via item paths, IDs, plus Sitecore queries.
What are Sitecore facets?
Their primary role is to group and classify content items by language, creation date, or based on their template.
What is Sitecore xConnect
It's a system layer between the Sitecore database and device, any trusted client or interface that requests the Sitecore database data.
What is the Sitecore experience platform?
It provides a single user interface to manage websites, run media ad campaigns, and schedule posts.
What is the developer's view on Sitecore?
Deciding to move your site to the CMS is excellent; you need something to manage your site. But with the vast number of choices, you need guidance on which one to settle for. Here are suggestions to guide you to the right CMS decision.
The Sitecore desktop
The CMS incorporates a powerful desktop interface controlled by a role-based system. You won't struggle when accessing this desktop as it shares many similarities with the windows desktop.
You have to understand the programming language in which the CMS is written. How familiar are you with it? It's advisable to go for the most conversant technology - it saves time and minimizes errors. Bit still, using a CMS with an unfamiliar language allows you to learn something new. The ball is in your court; it's upon you to decide what language to use when coding.
Read the Documentation
To many, going through a user guide might seem tedious and time-wasting. It would help if you considered the benefits that might come out of the manual before lazing around. If the documentation is not of help, then that CMS isn't suitable for you or your company.
Sitecore API
The Sitecore API is critical: you can query Sitecore items using several techniques. It is a great experience for developers as it adds flexibility while maintaining the speed and performance during indexing and searching content.
Investigate the online community
Unlike in the past, people from all walks of life are connected via the internet. Here, people share meaningful information without shying about voicing their complaints. It makes it quick to evaluate new software. These communities are great resources to use when needing insights into a particular CMS and how to deal with it. By reading online comments and posts concerning a CMS, you will know whether issues raised are addressed or neglected.
Don't rely on the sales pitch and pony show.
Ever experienced a sales demo or advert? The software works efficiently without any single error, and you are assured that you are good to go. But here's the thing: that's only possible in a dream. Before buying any software, test drive it and solve any issues during the process. You have to make the most of it and leave no stone unturned.
How easy it is to work with
What does it take to implement the system? Does it avail the features you need? Is the system flexible? How fast do you access data and information? Do your research and ask relevant questions concerning different CMS platforms that suit your needs.
Flexible solutions
Flexibility is an area where Sitecore excels; the CMS is fully adaptable and extendable to suit your needs. With the proper Sitecore application, you can conveniently replace any of the Sitecore classes with your own and extend default functionality- no more hassles.
The above information on Sitecore is important, for everyone. It's a digital world and it's only important you know a thing or two about Sitecore. Most especially if you are a company owner with intention of getting a Sitecore for your business, or even if you already have one, this information is still beneficial to you. We at Guru Solutions are Sitecore developers and build great websites, the ones that people will look at after years and still marvel at it. Contact us to get the best Sitecore services.