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Standards for Model Creation

Xenko Orientation with Blender

Blender does not accept .FBX version 7500 This is the newest version and will not import into blender.  If you are not using blender to model the asset you must convert the file to .FBX 2015 before it will be accepted for review.

I have put together a good check list for when you are preparing to export models out of blender.  Along are images as well as guidelines for you to follow when exporting from blender.
  1. Select the "main body" object, which will be your parent object.
    Standards for Model Creation
  2. Drag the object associated with the "main body" onto the parent object.
    Standards for Model Creation
  3. When that is finished select your "main body" and set the origin to cent of mass.  
    Standards for Model Creation
  4. After that with "main body" still selected set its X,Y,Z chords to 0,0,0.
    Standards for Model Creation

  5. In order to export the rotation correctly to unity we must rotate the object -90 on the x axis.
    Standards for Model Creation
  6. Now apply rotation and scale by pressing ctrl+A  and selecting it from the drop down menu.
    Standards for Model Creation
    Once this is finished you can double check you work by looking at the rotation and scale box in the upper right hand.  If it is zeroed our or set to 1 its been set.
    Standards for Model Creation
  7. Now in order to keep the rotation correct for unity we rotate once more on the x Axis 90 degrees.  Do not apply the rotation.  You should have 90 on the x rotation.
    Standards for Model Creation
  8. When exporting from blender with the intent to import into unity then you need to make sure the model is facing the right direction.  In this next image the left side will display what angle the model will show in unity using its position.  
    Standards for Model Creation
    You want the front of the model pointing and facing the (-Y) Direction.   Doing this will ensure the models will not only be displayed correctly in the view finder but also help with programming later on.

  9. When its time to export, export the file using the .FBX format with these settings.
    Standards for Model Creation

  10. Before checking in the project make sure you re import the model to check for imperfections such as orientation, location, exporting a camera or light object.

  11. Make sure you have smooth shading turned off and flat shading turned on.  We want to be able to see the angles and geometry of the mesh if it is low poly.
  12. Be sure to check making sure your normals are facing the right directions.  They should be facing outwards with your mesh pale.  If it appears dark, or "black"  Then its normals are inside out and should be corrected.  The most simple way to fix this is by selecting the offensive mesh and pressing cntrl-N

    Things to keep in mind

  • We want to do our best to portray real world proportions of things.  So when modeling in blender you should set your unit of measurement to meters as that the common standard around the world. 
  • When working on an agenda post screenshots of your progress so other people on the team can see the progress and if any corrections need to be made they can be made earlier on as opposed to later.  
  • When you upload the model to the site you should include helpful information such a screenshot of the model, if its a map the sizes and dimensions of the map, and any other information that could be useful to identify the Asset.  
    • When you upload the asset make sure you post a screenshot of the asset in the description.  The model will not be accepted without a screenshot.
  • Make sure to check the GAD and the GDD frequently as changes occur during development such as, style, color, game play elements, etc and its important to know so that the assets follow the same overarching design.  
  • Before exporting make sure to Apply transform.  Do this by pressing Ctrl-A and then selecting it form the drop down window.  
  • A good way to check you work would be to use Microsoft paint 3d.  If you view your model using that application you'll be able to catch mistakes earlier on.  If you are working on an older model of windows that does not support paint 3d then just re import your model into blender to make sure the file exported correctly


ATLAS standards
Standards checklist

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