Theater Outline
The Last Stand Theater 1 Outline
Terran Offensive
- Chapter 1
- Intro Kerouac Simm Called to Base as Written
- KS to Rescue CJ Rather than Attack Scavs
- Corrimer Jacks Captured by the Elite Force of Confederacy of Free Militia (CFM)
- CJ Held in Grounded CFM Ship
- Interrogation of Jacks
- KS Sent on Rescue Mission
- Salvage ship and return to base
- Chapter
- CJ Learns Top 377th Armored Battalion( ArBat) Leaders Assassinated by CFM Suicide Mechs
- New mech introduced
- KS Sent to Ship for Addition Intel for Retaliation
- Sortie Against CFM
- Chapter 3
- CJ Made Acting Commander of ArBat
- KS Sent to CFM Encampment Behind ArBat Lines
- Chapter 4
- ArBAt Solidifies CJ's Role As General
- KS Becomes Mech Field Commander
- Chapter 5
- Jacks disappears,presumed kidnapped.
- Intel received from small Scav skirmish
- Intel indicates CFM off world.
- Simm prepares to follow CFM into space to find Jacks
- Chapter 1
- Enemies: 3 CFM Ground Soldiers
- Chapter 2
- Enemies 6 Scavs in Approach of Ship
- 10 CFM Ground Soldiers
- 2 Rocket Turrets at Ship
- Enemies 6 Scavs in Approach of Ship
- Chapter 3
- Enemies 3 Player vs Environment Mech
- Chapter 4
- 12 foot soldiers
- 3 Tanks
- 3Air support ships
- Chapter 5
Mission Feature
- Chapter 1
- Use Special Weapon to Breach Ship
- Use Map to Locate CJ
- Capture Intel and Tech Plan in Interrogation Chamber
- Call in Rescue Ship
- Chapter 2
- Intel Gathered on CFM Presence in ArBat Territory
- Change in mech/human interface
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Intel gathered takes place outside direct story and includes no game play.
Environmental Hazard
- Meteor Shower
- Damage High Random Area of Effect (AOE)
- Radius 1 - 10 Meters
- Duration 3 - 6 Seconds
- Dust Storm
- Damage None
- Radius 20% - 100% of Map
- Duration Medium 20 - 45 Seconds
- Miscellaneous Vision Reduced to 15 - 20 Meters
- Dust Devil
- Damage Medium
- Radius 2 - 10 Meters
- Duration Varies 5 - 60 Seconds
- Miscellaneous On Hit Visibility Reduced 5 - 15 Meters
- Electronic Offiline
- Mech Speed Reduced 60%
Upgrade Acquired
- Primary Weapon
- Mini Gun
- Damage Medium
- Area of Effect (AOE) 1 Meter
- Overheat 10 Seconds Continuous Fire
- Cooldown 4 Seconds after Overheat
- Fire Rate 2 Seconds Spin Up Time
- Sniper Railgun
- Damage Very High
- Fire Rate 1 Shot 7 Second
- Miscellaneous All Shots Scoped
- Mini Gun
- Secondary Weapon
- Flechette Cannon
- Damage Medium
- Area of Effect (AOE)
- Overheat After 3 Consecutive Shots
- Cooldown 7 Seconds After Overheat
- Fire Rate 1 Shot Every 2 Seconds
- Flechette Cannon
- High Density Plate
- Buffer +50% Damage Absorb
- Nerf -3% Mech Speed
- Streamlined Plate
- Buffer +5% Damage Absorb
- +30% Approach Enemy Before Sensor Detect
- Buffer +5% Damage Absorb
- Power
- Weight 7% Mech Weight Increase
- Acceleration +3%
- Load 5% Mountable Weight Capacity
- Speed
- Acceleration +5%
- Load +2% ?MWC?
- Base Speed +3%
Tech Acquired
- Sensor
- Sensor +5% Chance to Discover Hidden Enemy
- Range
- Radius +2.5%
Pilot Skill
- 3 Skill Points to Spend In Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Basic Movement
- Weapon Primary and Second
- Special Ability
- Sensor Use
- Mini Map
- Use of Special Weapon
- Use of Comm with Base
- Real Time Strategies (RTS) Combat with Mech Combat
- Calling in Air Strike
- Armored ?Cav?
- Salvaging/Use of Salvage
- Field Use of Salvage
- Player vs Player (PVP)
- Tactics Critical Hits
- Tactics Dodging
- Tactics Pacing The Engagement
- Real Time Strategies (RTS) vs Real Time Strategies (RTS)
Kerouac Simm ( Keer-oo-ak Sim)Age- Mid 20s
Height- 5' 10”
Build-Lanky, muscular
Marks- None
Appearance- Youthful
Colors- Black, Gray
Corrimer Jacks ( Kore-i-mer Jaks)
Age- Late 40s
Height-6' 7”
Build- Very Broad, Muscular
Marks-Facial scars, Arms sleeved in Tattoos
Appearance- Burdened
Colors- Khaki, Gray
Arabella Xander ( Ara-Bel-ah Zan-der)
Age- late 30s
Height- 5' 11”
Build- Lean
Marks- Cheek Tattoos, Multiple facial piercings
Appearance- Stern, Graceful
Colors- Red, Gray, Gray
Solau Jeng ( Sol-ow Zheng)
Age- Early 40s
Height- 5' 8”
Build- Lean, Broad
Marks- none
Appearance- Graceful, Stealthy
Colors- Black
Caster Mathieu (Kas-ter Math-ow)
Age- Late 50s
Height- 6' 3”
Build- Slight, Angular
Marks- Wrinkled
Appearance- Wizened, disorganized
Colors- Light gray, white,blue
Sabien Crowley (Say-be-in Crow-lee)
Age- 40s
Height- 6' 5”
Build- Broad, Very Muscular
Marks- Facial scars, facial tattoos
Appearance- Aggressive
Colors- Black, gray
Laralyn Kith ( Lah-rah-lin Kith)
Age-early 40s
Height- 5”6”
Build- Very Slight
Marks-multiple ear, brow, lip, and nose piercings
Appearance- Sharp, exhausted, compassionate
Colors- light blue, light grey, white