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Theater Outline

The Last Stand Theater 1 Outline

Terran Offensive


  1. Chapter 1
    1. Intro Kerouac Simm Called to Base as Written
    2. KS to Rescue CJ Rather than Attack Scavs
    3. Corrimer Jacks Captured by the Elite Force of Confederacy of Free Militia (CFM)
    4. CJ Held in Grounded CFM Ship
    5. Interrogation of Jacks
    6. KS Sent on Rescue Mission
    7. Salvage ship and return to base
  2. Chapter 
    1. CJ Learns Top 377th Armored Battalion( ArBat) Leaders Assassinated by CFM Suicide Mechs
    2. New mech introduced
    3. KS Sent to Ship for Addition Intel for Retaliation
    4. Sortie Against CFM
  3. Chapter 3
    1. CJ Made Acting Commander of ArBat
    2. KS Sent to CFM Encampment Behind ArBat Lines
  4. Chapter 4
    1. ArBAt Solidifies CJ's Role As General
    2. KS Becomes Mech Field Commander
  5. Chapter 5 
    1. Jacks disappears,presumed kidnapped.
    2. Intel received from small Scav skirmish
    3. Intel indicates CFM off world.
    4. Simm prepares to follow CFM into space to find Jacks


  1. Chapter 1
    1. Enemies: 3 CFM Ground Soldiers
  2. Chapter 2
    1. Enemies 6 Scavs in Approach of Ship
      1. 10 CFM Ground Soldiers
      2. 2 Rocket Turrets at Ship
  3. Chapter 3
    1. Enemies 3 Player vs Environment Mech
  4. Chapter 4
    1. 12 foot soldiers
    2. 3 Tanks
    3. 3Air support ships
  5. Chapter 5

Mission Feature

  1. Chapter 1
    1. Use Special Weapon to Breach Ship
    2. Use Map to Locate CJ
    3. Capture Intel and Tech Plan in Interrogation Chamber
    4. Call in Rescue Ship
  2. Chapter 2 
    1. Intel Gathered on CFM Presence in ArBat Territory
    2. Change in mech/human interface
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5
    1. Intel gathered takes place outside direct story and includes no game play.

Environmental Hazard

  1. Meteor Shower
    1. Damage High Random Area of Effect (AOE)
    2. Radius 1 - 10 Meters
    3. Duration 3 - 6 Seconds
  2. Dust Storm
    1. Damage None
    2. Radius 20% - 100% of Map
    3. Duration Medium 20 - 45 Seconds
    4. Miscellaneous Vision Reduced to 15 - 20 Meters
  3. Dust Devil
    1. Damage Medium
    2. Radius 2 - 10 Meters
    3. Duration Varies 5 - 60 Seconds
    4. Miscellaneous On Hit Visibility Reduced 5 - 15 Meters
      1. Electronic Offiline
      2. Mech Speed Reduced 60%

Upgrade Acquired

  1. Primary Weapon
    1. Mini Gun
      1. Damage Medium
      2. Area of Effect (AOE) 1 Meter
      3. Overheat 10 Seconds Continuous Fire
      4. Cooldown 4 Seconds after Overheat
      5. Fire Rate 2 Seconds Spin Up Time
    2. Sniper Railgun
      1. Damage Very High
      2. Fire Rate 1 Shot 7 Second
      3. Miscellaneous All Shots Scoped
  2. Secondary Weapon
    1. Flechette Cannon
      1. Damage Medium
      2. Area of Effect (AOE)
      3. Overheat After 3 Consecutive Shots
      4. Cooldown 7 Seconds After Overheat
      5. Fire Rate 1 Shot Every 2 Seconds


  1. High Density Plate
    1. Buffer +50% Damage Absorb
    2. Nerf -3% Mech Speed
  2. Streamlined Plate
    1. Buffer +5% Damage Absorb
      1. +30% Approach Enemy Before Sensor Detect


  1. Power
    1. Weight 7% Mech Weight Increase
    2. Acceleration +3%
    3. Load 5% Mountable Weight Capacity
  2. Speed
    1. Acceleration +5%
    2. Load +2% ?MWC?
    3. Base Speed +3%

Tech Acquired

  1. Sensor
    1. Sensor +5% Chance to Discover Hidden Enemy
  2. Range
    1. Radius +2.5%

Pilot Skill

  1. 3 Skill Points to Spend In Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  1. Basic Movement
  2. Weapon Primary and Second
  3. Special Ability
  4. Sensor Use
  5. Mini Map
  6. Use of Special Weapon
  7. Use of Comm with Base
  8. Real Time Strategies (RTS) Combat with Mech Combat
  9. Calling in Air Strike
  10. Armored ?Cav?
  11. Salvaging/Use of Salvage
  12. Field Use of Salvage
  13. Player vs Player (PVP)
  14. Tactics Critical Hits
  15. Tactics Dodging
  16. Tactics Pacing The Engagement
  17. Real Time Strategies (RTS) vs Real Time Strategies (RTS)


Kerouac Simm ( Keer-oo-ak Sim)
Age- Mid 20s
Height- 5' 10”
Build-Lanky, muscular
Marks- None
Appearance- Youthful
Colors- Black, Gray

Corrimer Jacks ( Kore-i-mer Jaks)
Age- Late 40s
Height-6' 7”
Build- Very Broad, Muscular
Marks-Facial scars, Arms sleeved in Tattoos
Appearance- Burdened
Colors- Khaki, Gray

Arabella Xander ( Ara-Bel-ah Zan-der)
Age- late 30s
Height- 5' 11”
Build- Lean
Marks- Cheek Tattoos, Multiple facial piercings
Appearance- Stern, Graceful
Colors- Red, Gray, Gray

Solau Jeng ( Sol-ow Zheng)
Age- Early 40s
Height- 5' 8”
Build- Lean, Broad
Marks- none
Appearance- Graceful, Stealthy
Colors- Black

Caster Mathieu (Kas-ter Math-ow)
Age- Late 50s
Height- 6' 3”
Build- Slight, Angular
Marks- Wrinkled
Appearance- Wizened, disorganized
Colors- Light gray, white,blue

Sabien Crowley (Say-be-in Crow-lee)
Age- 40s
Height- 6' 5”
Build- Broad, Very Muscular
Marks- Facial scars, facial tattoos
Appearance- Aggressive
Colors- Black, gray

Laralyn Kith ( Lah-rah-lin Kith)
Age-early 40s
Height- 5”6”
Build- Very Slight
Marks-multiple ear, brow, lip, and nose piercings
Appearance- Sharp, exhausted, compassionate
Colors- light blue, light grey, white

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