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Workflow For creating 3D Terrain for Armament

Workflow For creating 3D Terrain for Armament


(Import Height map into blender.  

Using the displace modifier apply it to a subdivided plane mesh.   Select the height map and then adjust for desired effect.)  Probably wont do experimenting with manual solutions instead

Workflow For creating 3D Terrain for Armament

on the left is manual workflow on the right is hightmap workflow.  I do not like how the topology ends up using the hightmap.  I really dont like using the decimate modifier unless i have full control.  Using proportional editing i really think is more powerful than 3rd party hightmap generators.  

Using a combination of proportional editing and some design sense create the map to your liking.  Keep it simple.  Much of the detail will come from negative design as well as assets. 

Use simple materials not textures for now.  Try to keep the amount of materials low and keep them simple defuse otherwise they will not work.  Make sure you have a good understanding of the art direction and use the color pallet we have on our GAD.


Map Needs

A spawn point for every player on the map.

Varied design but not to the point of imbalance.

Multiple strategys in the way of landmarks 



(To figuire out.  

  • What is the max size map xenko can handle.
  • How can we take that max size and scale the rest of the models to that map uniformly.  
  • Max sized map needs to contain 8 players in either a 4v4 format or free for all format.  Design needs to reflect this.)

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