Audio Discussion

Audio Discussion

1/16/2016 10:10:13 PM

Hey guys! It's been a while, so first of all I'd just like to say that I hope you guys have had a great holiday season! I wanted to start up another forum so we could get some more communication and collaboration going, and so we can discuss any ideas and next steps for the audio of this game.

I apologize for not producing anything "note"worthy (ba-dum-tss) these past couple of sprints, getting sick and having writers block will do that to you :P But I feel more ready then ever to get back into the swing of things! I just got inspiration and started working on this piece a couple of days ago, I'll put a link down below so you guys can check up on my progress thus far, obviously it isn't close to being done yet, this is just a very bare bone version of it. I still need to do all the mixing, editing, replace the sub-par midi instruments with better vsts and I'm also gonna add in some synthesizers to the final product as well. I've also got a couple other pieces that I have been sitting on for a while, so expect those to come soon (ok eventually) as well.

Anyways, anything interesting or new on your guys' part?

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