Environment assets needed

Environment assets needed

8/10/2018 4:00:19 PM

Theme: Ash Hollow State

3d models

  1. Trees and bush's
    Updated assetUpdated asset
    Updated asset
  2. Rocks
  3. Grass
    1. Big leave bundles
    2. wheat fields
    3. clumps of grass

      Updated asset
  4. pebbles debris
    Updated asset
  5. flowers
    Updated assetUpdated asset
  6. mountain formations and landmarks
    Updated asset  The rock formations scattered around are the focus here.
  7. logs and stumps
    Updated assetUpdated asset

  8. fence (tileable) 
    Updated asset

  9. Props
    1. barrels
    2. crates
    3. sacks
    4. wagon
      Updated asset
  10. houses static structure.  
    1. barn
    2. farmhouse
    3. shed
      Updated assetUpdated assetUpdated asset

Textures 2d
  1. Grass
    Updated asset
  2. dirt
    Updated asset
  3. water
    Updated asset

Make sure that all textures can tile seamlessly and they take on a more blocky and pixilated look similer to what you see here

Updated asset

  1. environment grasslands 

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