Formatting For Chapter 1

Here is quick sketch for the a formatting idea for how chapter 1 could look. I've included a brief visual description.This is very doable but will take considerably longer.I will also look at reducing the amount of scene changes to slow up the pace a little and possibly avoid confusion.
If there are any other ideas about formatting and how to make to present the story so it is clear and useful,I implore you to contribute to the conversation.
Chapter 1-
(Chapter 1,Scene one)
-Jacks ( as described here-/wiki/viewwiki?wikiid=67)
-Jacks is bloodied and kneeling on the floor,arms bound behind back.He is naked and in pain.
-The interrogator is an undescribed ( as of this writing) man.He is large and muscular. He has a chain in hand.
-The enviroment is a the interior of a futuristic version of an airship resembling in some degree a C-17 View here: It should have several compartments divided by bulkheads.
(The Story as written:)
Corrimer Jacks closed his eyes against the flow of blood and sweat that coursed down his face and across his vision. The rest of his body was relaxed against the blows he knew would restart momentarily. Pain was only temporary, to fight it would gain him nothing.
He knelt naked on the cold ferro-synth floor of the floor. Makeshift bindings of wire secured his hands behind his back; humiliation and agony, physically, Jacks was compromised, and mentally he was and would remain unbroken...

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