Game Producer Meeting Sunday, April 27, 2014 12:00:00 PM
Game Producer Meeting Sunday, April 27, 2014 12:00:00 PM
4/27/2014 12:33:00 PM
- Meeting started 11:50AM CST
- Add notes section to "Update Agenda Title" of email
- Upload Gdd to Server
- UPload ebook for game architecture
- Review Agendas
- Need to make contact with Chris Lore and Kirk Wagg
- Handling new members agendas and calendars meeting
Members Present | |
Leo Kirkpatrick | |
Johnathon Vinsonhaler | |
James Fleming | |
Kelly Lister | |
Rick Ross | |
Monte Drebenstedt | |
Jeremy Howard |
Meeting Ended: 4/27/2014 12:33 PM
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