Game Programmer Meeting Saturday, December 21, 2013 10:00:00 AM
Game Programmer Meeting Saturday, December 21, 2013 10:00:00 AM
12/21/2013 10:19:00 AM
- Meeting started at 9:45
- Vitali email said he would not be able to make it but game the following update.
created Drawable Rendering
Component created
Physics Component
created a realy simple Terrain Component and created the Gameplay Component, which displays only the terrain with some physic objects.
i started on the selecting / picking component and then i thought to do the moving component. But i need to know how we should represent the units on the terrain .... something like a tile map ? something like that ( or because then i can make the implementation for the movement system.
- As far as me I have been in talk with digital runes to figure out the best way to handle state between screens / components.
- Arranged the layout of the project to better suit our needs with digital runes and building on or adding to there class
- Researched RX as a possible thread handler
- Create a demo of the sample so the other team and have been working with Jim from design to get it to run so we can release it to the team.
- Talk with jeremy about getting started
- Asset manager assigned to jeremy
Members Present | |
James Fleming | |
Vitali Balliet | |
Jeremy Moore |
Meeting Ended: 12/21/2013 11:07 AM
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