Graphical User Interface for Armament

Open this discussion up to everyone here. @Jonathan and I have talked and worked out the way the GUI will work in the game. The Officer section has been updated for everyone to review on the GDD.
As you can see from this sketch below we will have 4 commanders in the game. A "Combat Mission Support Officer", "Foreign Affairs Officer", "Logistic Officer", and "Engineering Officer". These are represented by the box / avatar on the left of the screen. Above the officer area you will see a bar that will house the global stats of the selected officer or resource currently in-stock. At the bottom we will have 4 box/rectangles. First one left to right is the commander or unit avatar, second is the stats of the commander or unit(s) selected, third will be list in icon form of unit(s) selected, and last box will be any and all action/abilities that unit or commander has.The game play will not have a minimap on the hud but will be available by pressing the "M" key or whatever mapping we have for it. The game play in following the GDD is the officer will help players move up the ranks until they out rank the officer above them which then they will start to control them. Other then that the AI will basically fight the battle for them. Starting out you will be a private and move up in rank controlling your units only for whatever you selected.
As a side note our first campaign for this game will be a tutorial that will allow the player to earn rank from the get go so when they join a multiplayer round they will be and NCO (E4 CORPORAL CPL) at least. This will give the player a small unit to command roughly 4 to 5 assets.
Enlistment Ranking if You are interested.
James Fleming

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