Is Century of War Fun

Is Century of War Fun

1/29/2014 9:32:00 AM

This post is from ky from an agenda:
i think having a list of units I.E. APC's, Snipers, tanks would be nice to have. 
  Will each nation have some sort of special unit? something like the America nation having more of a air supperority? China having more foot soldiers? All i'm saying is some clarification would be nice to have,but being an a Alpha build i understand all subjects are do to change.
 the document is well put together. it raisis questions like troop stacking and stating. as a Magic the gathering player. some of this it confusing. will stats be baseline across every nation or will there be diffrences. will tech be more prominate for more advanced countries?
the more i read the more i want to see some sort of visaul build. being an a alpha i don't expect to get the whol picture and i do understand what we're going for, reading and seeing are two diffrent things.
 All and all though a great jumping off point i can't wait to see were it goes

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