Layers and tags in unity
Open a forum with the team to discuss possible layer and tags that we will utilize during the course of production.
Unity uses layers and tags to help associate objects and their place in the world. here is what unity has on layers and tags. Right now here is the list of tags we have either by default or we created.
- respawn
- finish
- editor only
- maincamera
- player
- gamecontroller
- environ
- imovable
- imovablechild
- ground
- playerunit
I think we should also talk about navmesh as that relies heavily on unity tags i think and theres another layer system with navmesh.
This might be helpful i think im still trying to figure out navmesh but its really simple. This is where we would assign whether something was the ground or if the terrain is water and would control where units can and cannot go. At this time we are only using the defaults
- Walkable
- not walkable
- jump
So we should also get a list together covering possible navmesh agents we would use. Water being obvious but also buildable surfaces?
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