Scrum Sprint 20151014 for The Last Stand
Hello everyone welcome to another sprint for our team.
In every team sometimes we need to take a step back and review what we have and the direction we are heading. This week on our 4 day review period our team has been discussing the agenda's being done and what needs to change to help us push forward in our role that are stalled for the last couple of sprint runs.
With your help if you get an agenda you don't understand please let us know as soon as possible so we can define it better for you. Also keep in mind that at the bottom of the console screen on the right you have the standards for your role that the team has created. If you think of anything that is missing or something that should be a standard so we all can work together easier let us know.
On this sprint we will be focus on the GUI once again some changes to how we are going about this have been talked about and the details are in the agenda's assigned out to everyone.
Starting Sprint Team Members:
Pfc Etienne Rodriguez Game Programmer
SSgt Johannes Natterer Lead Game Designer
Pvt Yeri Hidayat Game Tester
1stLt James Fleming Lead Game Producer
SSgt Nick Cordova Lead Game Programmer
Pvt Jonathon Keddie Game Programmer
GySgt Melisa Montalbano Game Producer
SSgt Mel Dawdy Lead Game Artist 2D
Pfc Robert Cordova Game Sound Effects
SSgt Sean Judd Lead Game Sound Effects
Pfc Shayn Toothman Game Sound Effects
Pvt Melanie Fleming Information Technology
Pfc Anthony Michelizzi Game Programmer
Pfc Kevin Flager Game Artist 2D
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