@Johannes It looks like a good start to the concept of the commander as a focus point. I think we need to turn our attention to the combat as well.
You have down AP as a stats which does not make since as the game will not be turn base but more live game play. I am assuming this is only for the board game prototyping.
Power Ups and Buff are these the scavengers in the GDD? We don't want things just laying around IMO but more on the lines of you have to work to get them. So killing scavengers and resource mining.
This is more or less map control type game play which is fine we can start with that to give them motivation to get out there and do something
We want this not to be a "luck" game or as little as possible. The tactic should come in not only in player skill but also in many other variable like map positioning, commander skill, or team skill as a unit.
The idea that players earn money for the command is a great idea I like it. Instead of working for themselves they work as a team to strengthen the commander abilities etc.
What software are you using for the video editing? I been using windows media thing but it does not allow for text to be inserted into the videos.
Ok in closing we have a lot of stuff on the GDD right now that would take testing and things such as under game play calling in a bridge so mech can walk across. These feature of the game I think we should maybe have another wiki page with the extra idea to the game to cut the GDD down in size easier to manage that way. At this point I will give it some more thought but that will probably be the next steps for agenda.
Nice work on the prototyping!
James Fleming
8/25/2015 9:11:51 AM