Hey so i have some thoughts on this topic. And unfortunately i think this is serious enough to consider some sort of "streamlining" Ill explain in more detail.
[1] A lot of players clearly found the single-character-focus satisfying.
A. This is not avoid-able and not achieve-able for RTS games.
B. The basic rule of RTS game is:players have to control at least 7 groups of army.
C. This problem can not be solved, so we pass it.
Even before I read the article i intended on bringing up mobas and how they lie on the evolution of RTS genre in the past 20 or so years. Its important enough to discuss and i think we need to address it and give it the respect it deserves. I absolutly adore how this article adresses it and brings up warcraft 3. I was lucky enough to be a part of the dota days and the pioneering ages of Mobas And spent a ridiculous amount of time with the genre.
That genre makes a free to play model work. Like really work. To the point of perfection where issues that arise are not even issues. So once again something i think we need to take a serious hard look into. But while reading this article i have to be honest it got me thinking about solutions and i have some ideas id like to throw into the pot.
Complexity. Players and consumers love it I can speak to that personally. Regardless of your demographic for the more intelligent and hardcore players you have a great tool to flex their minds with and for more casual players or slower/dont have much time to learn they at the very least have layers of gameplay and entertainment to poor over to keep them playing maybe not 300+hours a week but definitely a month or year.
I cant remember who said it but someone once said that the audience is most susceptible to your film in the first 15 minutes. Now this applys to everything from plays, to books and video games. If we bombard the player with to much at once then we lose their attention depending on our audience. However complexity in layers, thats one way to look at it.
at least if there is an easy layer to get into/not spend much money/time/or effort to get into then they can get straight into having fun at the core level. And thats important. But then when they burn through that content theres another layer of complexity and then another. I feel this is a good idea or a path towards a solution. And ill even spit ball and idea I had based on a portion of the article.
[4] Easy to consume the content in an RTS.
A. RTS is not MOBA, so we can not have a new "Hero" content for every month. (I mean the commanders DLC.)
B. What can we have are:New maps, New campaign, New Co-op and MODs.
(as a GD, Game devolper . I dont like it when someone tell me i cant do something, figure it out and make it happen. Probably my cook background but if it needs to happen find a way to make it happen.)
So how about this then. Streamline the experience in a way where not everything is thrown at you at once or even needs to be.to experience the core experience we want them to....experience. Well 7 "groups" of armys boy....that was always hard to figuire out.
I mean micromanaging that many units! Yup kept me from truly having fun with starcraft and other titles. But i mean lets be honest at its core level your really only controling....7 units? I mean you group them up and you micro manage but its between 7 groups. So maybe we only have 7 ...units?
So this is just a spit ball and mostly to help the team discuss and get the blood pumping but the more i thought on this the more ideas i had.
Well instead of individual units we make into our theoretical "7 groups" We create a sort of "hero unit" warcraft 3 style. And they command and control an army with saaay 10-25 units whatever is a good group or platoon size. We script those units and the player controls the hero unit. Now thats an interesting idea to play with.
Hey Need a good model to make money and fund the whole project? release a new "hero" with their own army and own playstyle and strategies? I dont see why that wouldnt work. Coding issue? I mean thats allot of manpower but honestly it would just be a shift in the work not the manpower if you think about it. Does it fit the GDD? I would say so. Your "units" or "heros" would have the sized army based on their hp maybe? You could heal and keep these units or heros and level them up. More hp they have the more Units?
You could even be attached to these units. What i mean to say is theres allot of room to work with there. And it wouldnt change gameplay on the core level.
Hmm maybe it would but let me try to explain. If you control these "groups" the difference would show more on the way you would "build" these groups or armys. Something we could maybe even do outside gameplay? Dont have time? Patience? Maybe you just wanna chill and watch funny cartoon characters blowing eachother up? Well this would be a way to maybe...not seem so intimidating? Lord i know RTS games scare me a little but a moba? Maybe a large scale moba?
Now i keep talking about mobas because i want to bring up a game thats currently in development. I dont mean to bring up a game for an example but let me explain.
So supernova is a moba that wants to innovate on the genre and bring it back to its RTS roots by letting you control what kind of minions rush down the lane. Everything else plays out similarly to LOL or dota if you will. Interesting idea but im afraid is doomed to fail.
They rely on an Rock paper scissors model and it just doesnt mesh well, Last
i checked however that doesnt matter. What they are doing interest me and ties in with the solution i suggested. Im talking the opposite of that, No moba map no moba units. But heros who have spells and abilitys that help their units on a large map. Combat could be fast, combat could be silly. Combat would be strategic as well as being fun and easy to get into that first layer of content and complexity.
First im sorry if at all im confusing im a cook and i can dug some holes for a living so this whole desk work stuff is all new to me so if at all i am confusing just quote me and ask for more clarity and i will do my best.
This is just my thoughts and some ideas for you all to think on if anything at least to get the gears moving on the topic. I hope it helps :D
One more thing...i dont know much how the military works...but isnt this how it works? You have a commander who tells 7-9 people what to do and they tell 10-25 people what to do? What do you guys think?
1/14/2018 8:30:53 PM